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Louie Teran of Long Beach, California, left and two unidentified women celebrate Mark McGwire?s record-tieing 61st home run, Monday, Sept. 7, 1998 at the Abbey restaurant in Seal Beach, California. McGwire made

Jean Errotabere stands near the California Aqueduct talking about water issues Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004, near Riverdale, Calif. A plan to increase fresh-water pumping from the delta is pitting Central Valley farmers

Iryousco What Happonsin Theso Communities.Doaling Drugs Isan Opportunity To Take Careof Yourself And To Tako Caro Of Your Family.It Doesn'T Mean That You'Ro Ovillain Though.It Doesn'T Mean That You'Re Ill-intended Asyou Are

With U - Monstercat

Six-year-old Ian Gilchrist is seen Dec. 21, 2005 behind a chess board at his home in Marion, Ill. Gilchrist won a scholastic chess tournament earlier this month, sponsored by the U.S. Chess

Illustrator Holly Hobbie sits at her desk in front of some of the characters she has created over the years, including Holly Hobbie's Toot & Puddle in her Conway, Mass., home Wednesday

** ADVANCE FOR THE WEEKEND, SEPT. 11-12 ** Valerie Bottorff, right, Alison McDaniel, center, and Christina Spencer, stand outside the Alison's Relocations Inc. office in Anchorage, Alaska in Aug. 2004. Alison McDaniel began operating Alison's

Al Ulbrickson, left, coach of the University of Washington crew team, talks things over with Rusty Callow, Pennsylvania coach who is covering the Poughkeepsie Regatta the Seattle Times newspaper, in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.,June

Rumbelows Sprint Challenge 2nd Semi Final, Wembley Stadium, Sunday 12th April 992. The aim of the challenge was to find the fastest player in the League. Each club is invited to send

Threats to American Womanhood, “Practical Amalgamation: The Musical Soirée, 1839”

Sarah Pavan of Canada, left, digs a ball next to her teammate Melissa Humana Paredes of Canada during their women's quarter final game at the Beachvolley Worldtour Major Series, on Saturday, July